Can you pay Google for SEO? If you are trying to raise the rank of your site in search engines like Google and Yahoo, there are many ways that you can try. But many times, these methods are beyond our reach. Not only will we have to shell out a lot of money but also the results will not be as fast as we want them to be. So how do we go about paying Google for SEO?
Before we answer this question, let us first know what SEO is. Search Engine Optimization is a way to optimize or enhance the website’s performance in search engines to increase traffic. It can be done with proper and timely usage of keywords and meta tags; it can also be achieved by having relevant content that other webmasters are searching for. If you master the skill in applying SEO techniques, you will be able to get high ranking positions in major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN within a short time.
How do search engines give rankings to the websites? They take into consideration the content that you provide on your website. Based on the quality of the article, you will have a good ranking on the search engines. If you have great and useful articles, then you can generate more traffic and sales to your company. In order for us to know if we can pay Google for SEO? Well, you need to keep following your marketing strategies, so that you will know how much you should be charging for SEO services.
The first step that you should do is to analyze your current website traffic. Find out what keywords and phrases your visitors use to find you. Then find out what traffic you are getting from those searches. If the number of visitors is not increasing, then you need to revise your pricing structure or ask for a discount. Sometimes, paying just a little bit more will help you in getting more traffic and paying less will stop you from getting more traffic.
When you are analyzing your website traffic, make sure that you do not focus on just a few keywords. Focus on your main keyword in your title and also in your Meta tags. These will give search engines an idea of what your website is all about. Another thing that you should consider is the quality of the links that point to your site. If you are not getting many quality backlinks, then you can expect to pay a lot for SEO services. Otherwise, there is no need for you to pay for SEO.
If you do not want to spend money for SEO, you can choose to get PPC or pay per click advertising. This will require you to spend some money, but in return, you will be able to achieve higher visibility on the search engines. In choosing the method of paying for your PPC ad, you need to know how much traffic you are expecting from the advertisement and from the click through. This will allow you to choose the most suitable method that will help you achieve your goals.